Currently on the market, most infrared thermal imagers are with shutter. If you have seen almost all infrared thermal imagers, you will find that only some brands are specially marked with or without shutter in the product description, because only a small number of models are designed without shutter.
Therefore, if it is used for a period of time, or the temperature and humidity of the observed object changes, the only way to block the lens is through the shutter, and reset the detector parameters according to the existing environment to achieve a suitable observation effect. If it is not reset, irregular gray background or horizontal and vertical stripes will appear during observation. This is where the shuttered infrared thermal imager comes in.
The image will stop for about 2-5 seconds when the shutter is opened and closed manually or according to the time interval, because no data is collected during this time. This is the transient fragment and image will be strucked during the process.
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